A new review of Dolphin Way has just appeared on Amazon:
I happened on this book quite by chance and was somewhat intrigued by the cover details. Clearly with his wealth of marine and environmental experience, the author shouldn’t have any difficulty with his subject, but an environmental message delivered from a dolphin’s viewpoint …. hmmm?
Well, from the first page intrigue reached absorption as I fell (as you will too no doubt) under the spell of “Ocean”.
To have conceived this world in his imagination is amazing but to convey it in all its colours and shapes to the reader with just words and then transport them into that world where fact and fiction combine so skilfully to make it real and believable is, well, quite magical; the magic lying of course in Mr C’s wonderful gift of storytelling. And just as if we don’t want the story teller to stop, we keep turning the pages, eager to reach the end.
So did he deliver? You bet and in such a unique and thought provoking way. And now I just can’t wait for the story to continue.
Highly recommend this book to anyone. Special story in its own right and the message is as current as ever. So if you happen on this book by chance, just get it and read, you won’t be disappointed.
And please someone out there, forget Jaws, The Meg and all the rest, wouldn’t this be so special for all to see up there!
– Janice