More dolphins strand today at Cape Cod

Seven dolphins stranded themselves at Cape Cod, Mass., Thursday — the latest  in a series of strandings in the area.

Local officials in Wellfleet and the International Fund for Animal Welfare  (IFAW) were monitoring up to 70 dolphins swimming in Wellfleet Harbor, concerned  they too may be in danger of becoming beached, after two of the seven died.

On Thursday afternoon, IFAW rescuers had carried two of the remaining five  live dolphins off the low-tide mud flats and loaded them onto a truck. After an  examination of their health, IFAW planned to transport all the rescued dolphins  to Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown, where they would be released.

Thursday’s strandings come on the heels of other similar incidents within the  past week, including Saturday when about 30 dolphins were involved in what IFAW  officials termed “one of the largest dolphin strandings in this area ever.”  Officials found stranded dolphins in Dennis, Brewster, Orleans, Eastham and  Wellfleet.

As of Wednesday, 27 dolphins had been found alive and 19 had been released in  local waters, according to Katie Moore, director of the marine mammal rescue  team.

Most marine mammal strandings occur between January and April and Cape Cod is  one of the world’s hot spots for the tragic events, along with areas in  Australia and New Zealand.

The reason why these animals end up stranded remains elusive, according to  experts.

Source: Fox News


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