Warner Brothers is preparing to make a sequel to “Dolphin Tale.” The new film will feature much of the original cast including Ashley Judd, Morgan Freeman and Harry Connick Jr.
It will also feature Winter, the star attraction of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium that swims with the aid of a prosthetic tail, WTSP said. The newest film will tell the true story of a baby dolphin, Hope, rescued by the Clearwater Aquarium in 2010, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Hope will play herself in the film.
The Reporter said the film is scheduled to begin production in the fall and to be released in September 2014.
Source: Tampa Bay Business Journal
RT @MarkCaney: ‘Dolphin Tale’ sequel planned http://t.co/zH7HjACgI4
RT @MarkCaney: ‘Dolphin Tale’ sequel planned http://t.co/zH7HjACgI4
RT @MarkCaney: ‘Dolphin Tale’ sequel planned http://t.co/zH7HjACgI4
RT @MarkCaney: ‘Dolphin Tale’ sequel planned http://t.co/zH7HjACgI4