Killer whales are smart; that we know. Here’s a thing that might tip them into “scary smart” territory: they can…
Researchers observed a change in the behaviour of dolphins whenever they swim near magnetized objects. It was then found that…
They came in their hundreds, carrying flowers and weeping at the sight of a small blue coffin. But these mourners…
A lone bottlenose dolphin swam into the harbour at Tory Island off the north coast of Ireland in April 2006.…
Russia has formally acknowledged that it has conscripted Ukraine’s ‘spy dolphins’ which means they could now be used in underwater…
From Carl Casey’s on the Inertia site Myself and the boys rocked up to our local break — McCauley’s Beach,…
Fascinating case of dolphins choosing to help people. A relationship that has lasted many years.
Echolocation is used by both bats and dolphins, allowing them to navigate the world with the use of sound. Now,…
Ukraine has asked for the return of its dolphins, which were forced to “defect” to Russia when their Crimea home…